Les Pili Nuts de Raw & Wild changent la donne dans le monde des collations saines. Ces noix de source durable regorgent de nutriments essentiels et ont un profil de saveur unique qui les distingue des autres collations. Non seulement ils sont incroyablement délicieux, mais ils sont aussi incroyablement polyvalents. Vous pouvez les manger seuls comme collation satisfaisante et satisfaisante, ou vous pouvez les utiliser dans des recettes comme ingrédient délicieux et nutritif. Avec une faible teneur en glucides, en sucre et en matières grasses, les noix de Pili sont la collation idéale pour ceux qui suivent un régime cétogène ou paléo. Alors pourquoi se contenter de snacks fades et transformés ? Choisissez les Pili Nuts de Raw & Wild pour une collation saine et délicieuse !
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!Coated in raw organic cacao & sweetened with coconut sugar to balance...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!This is our bestseller! A perfectly balanced buttery salty snack. Sprinkled with...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!Coated in raw organic cacao & sweetened with coconut sugar to balance...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!Delicious, creamy, rich & buttery flavour. It tastes like a cross between...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!For those who love a bit of spice. This is a full-bodied...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!Delicious, creamy, rich & buttery flavour. It tastes like a cross between...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!Slightly sweet & savoury snack. Made with fresh turmeric & ginger. ✔ Highest...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!This is our bestseller! A perfectly balanced buttery salty snack. Sprinkled with...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!Slightly sweet & savoury snack. Made with fresh turmeric & ginger. ✔ Highest...
Highest Vitamin E Nut, Very High in Magnesium, Highest Fat Wholefood. We Say it's the Healthiest Nut on Earth!For those who love a bit of spice. This is a full-bodied...