Cholesterol Teststrips Mission 3-in-1 Swiss Point of Care x5
Mission 3-in-1 Cholesterol Teststrips (x5) Swiss Point of Care

    Cholesterol Teststrips Mission 3-in-1 Swiss Point of Care x5

    Cholesterol Teststrips Mission 3-in-1 Swiss Point of Care x5

    Cholesterol Teststrips Mission 3-in-1 Swiss Point of Care worden geprezen om hun nauwkeurigheid. Dagelijks gebruikt door duizenden zorgprofessionals en thuisgebruikers. Met slechts 1 strip weet je je Totaal Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceriden en Cholesterol Ratio!

    Zeer nauwkeurige cholesterolmeting met grootste meetbereik
    Al je cholesterolwaarden met maar 1 teststrip
    Meet: Totaal Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceriden en Cholesterol Ratio!
    Makkelijk in gebruik
    Directe resultaten in < 1 minuut
    Elke verpakking bevat 5 teststrips, 5 lancetten, 5 capillairen
    Aanbevolen door toonaangevende hartspecialisten en laboratoria

    €19,96 €24,95

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    Cholesterol Teststrips Mission 3-in-1

    Our Mission 3-in-1 cholesterol teststrips are admired for their accuracy. Used daily by thousands of health professionals and home users. With only 1 strip you will know your Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and Cholesterol Ratio!

    Highly accurate cholesterol monitoring with largest measurement range
    All your cholesterol values with only 1 teststrip.
    Measures: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and Cholesterol Ratio!
    Easy to use
    ✔ Immediate results in < 1 minute
    ✔ Each pack contains 5 test strips, 5 lancets, 5 capillaries
    ✔ Recommended by leading cardiovascular doctors and laboratories

    Per 100 Per