CRP-Screen CRP-Screen Rapid self-test for detection of C-reactive protein (bacterial infection or inflammation) in blood. CRP-Screen The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a non-specific marker which is mainly produced by the...
Liver-Screen® Liver-Screen Rapid self-test for assessing the physiological state of the liver in blood. The liver is an essential organ of the human body and plays a critical role in...
Babycheck-1® WB Swiss Point of Care Babycheck-1® WB Swiss Point of Care test is a self-testing rapid test for the determination of the hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in whole blood...
Tik’Alert Tik’Alert Rapid self-test for early detection of anti-Borrellia IgM antibodies from infected tick bites in blood (Lyme disease) Ticks, insects found in undergrowth and temperate forests, can carry the...
Poly-Check Poly-Check Rapid self-test for detection of blood in feces (associated with colon cancer) Poly-Check Hemoglobin, a vital protein in red blood cells, is crucial for oxygen transport throughout the...
Gluten’Alarm® Swiss Point of Care Gluten Alarm Rapid self-test for the detection of anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies associated with Gluten intolerance and, therefore, celiac disease in blood. Celiac disease is...
Prosta-Check® Prosta-Check Rapid self-test for the detection of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in blood In man, the prostate antigen (PSA) is secreted by the prostate. The prostate antigen level gives...
M-Albu-Check® M-Albu-Check Rapid self-test for detection of albumin in urine (renal failure) Albumin is normally present in the urine in very small quantities or is not detectable. A high albumin...
Ferri-Check Ferri-Check Self-testing device for the detection of iron deficiency in blood. Iron deficiency occurs when blood does not contain enough red cells and thus low levels of hemoglobin which...
Meno-Check Swiss Point of Care Meno-Check Swiss Point of Care; Rapid selft-test for detection of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level in urine. (menopause) The menopause is caused by a modification of...