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Gluten’Alarm® Swiss Point of Care

Gluten’Alarm® Swiss Point of Care

Gluten’Alarm® Swiss Point of Care

Gluten Alarm Rapid self-test for the detection of anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies associated with Gluten intolerance and, therefore, celiac disease in blood.

Celiac disease is a long-term autoimmune disorder affecting the small intestine that can occur in genetically predisposed people. It is caused by intolerance to the ingestion of gluten which are various proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. It is estimated to affect 1% people worldwide. Typical symptoms include chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, weight loss but also anaemia, osteoporosis, extreme fatigue and even delayed growth in case children are affected. Currently, the only treatment for Celiac disease, after being diagnosed, is a strict life long gluten-free diet. Currently, highly effective whole blood tests are the first line screening method to detect the Celiac disease. They are mainly based on the detection of anti tissue-transglutaminase (t-TG) IgA type antibodies.

Long Description

Gluten’Alarm® Swiss Point of Care

Gluten Alarm Rapid self-test for the detection of anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies associated with Gluten intolerance and, therefore, celiac disease in blood.

Celiac disease is a long-term autoimmune disorder affecting the small intestine that can occur in genetically predisposed people. It is caused by intolerance to the ingestion of gluten which are various proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. It is estimated to affect 1% people worldwide. Typical symptoms include chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, weight loss but also anaemia, osteoporosis, extreme fatigue and even delayed growth in case children are affected. Currently, the only treatment for Celiac disease, after being diagnosed, is a strict life long gluten-free diet. Currently, highly effective whole blood tests are the first line screening method to detect the Celiac disease. They are mainly based on the detection of anti tissue-transglutaminase (t-TG) IgA type antibodies.

What is inside


Gluten’Alarm® Swiss Point of Care

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How to use

How to use

1. Prepare the test device, the pipette, and the diluent dropper vial. Take them out from the protective pouch (tear at the notch). Remove the screw cap of the diluent dropper vial and leave it nearby. 2. Clean the tip of the middle finger or ring finger with cotton wool moistened with alcohol. Press the lancet firmly against the side of the previously cleaned finger and press the release button. 3. Without pressing the bulb, put in contact the plastic pipette with the blood sample. The whole blood migrates into the pipette through capillarity to the line indicated on the pipette. 4. Dispense the blood into the sample well of the cassette, pressing down on the bulb of the pipette. Wait 30-40 seconds for blood absorption. Unscrew the blue cap from the dropper bottle, keeping the white cap secure. Add 4 drops of diluent to the well, spacing each drop 2-3 seconds apart. Read the result after 15 minutes. Do not interpret after 20 minutes.