Barbeque Sauce 2Bslim 250ml

Barbeque Sauce 2Bslim 250ml

Barbeque Sauce 2Bslim 250ml

2Bslim is a delicious fat-free and sugar-free sauce that can be used in many dishes. With only a maximum of 0.3 grams of carbohydrates per serving, 2Bslim is the ideal sauce to use during the Keto/low-carb diet

€3,11 €3,89

Barbeque Sauce 2Bslim 250ml

2Bslim is a delicious fat-free and sugar-free sauce that can be used in many dishes. With only a maximum of 0.3 grams of carbohydrates per serving, 2Bslim is the ideal sauce to use during the Keto/low-carb diet

What is inside
Per 100ml Per 15ml
Energy (kJ) 18 2
Energy (kCal) 4 0
Fats (g) 0 0
Of which saturated (g) 0 0
Carbohydrates (g) 0 0
Of which sugars (g) 0 0
Of which polyols (g) 0 0
Fibre (g) 0 0
Proteins (g) 0.3 0.0
Salt (g) 1.8 0.3
How to use