Babycheck-1® WB Swiss Point of Care

Babycheck-1 WB Swiss Point of Care

Babycheck-1® WB Swiss Point of Care test is a self-testing rapid test for the determination of the hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in whole blood sample for the diagnosis of pregnancy.

While pregnancy can be detected in urine about 1 week after a missed period, whole blood testing can detect pregnancy as early as a few days after impregnation.

Rapid self-test for detection of hCG (pregnancy) in blood.

Long Description

Description of BABYCHECK-1 WB

Pregnancy whole blood tests are also known to be more accurate than urine tests. This is the reason why whole blood/serum pregnancy tests are widely used in laboratories/hospitals.

In addition, the volume of ingested liquids which may affect the urine test results (dilution of hCG) is not affecting whole blood test. The test accuracy is indeed very important as a pregnancy necessarily implies precautions as well as a change in lifestyle such as stopping smoking or drinking alcohol, reducing or even eliminating medications as well as certain foods. It is possible to detect an hCG concentration of 25 IU/L.

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Babycheck-1 WB Swiss Point of Care

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How to use

How to use

1. Prepare the test device, the pipette, and the diluent dropper vial. Take them out from the protective pouch (tear at the notch). Remove the screw cap of the diluent dropper vial and leave it nearby). 2. Clean the tip of the middle finger or ring finger with cotton wool moistened with alcohol. Press the lancet firmly against the side of the previously cleaned finger and press the release button. 3. Without pressing the bulb, put in contact the plastic pipette with the blood sample. The whole blood migrates into the pipette through capillarity to the line indicated on the pipette. 4. Dispense the blood into the sample well of the cassette, pressing down on the bulb of the pipette. Wait 30-40 seconds for blood absorption. Unscrew the blue cap from the dropper bottle, keeping the white cap secure. Add 4 drops of diluent to the well, spacing each drop 2-3 seconds apart. Read the result within 5 to 10 minutes. Do not interpret after 10 minutes.