Ketchup 2Bslim 250ml

Ketchup 2Bslim 250ml

Ketchup 2Bslim 250ml

2Bslim is a delicious fat-free and sugar-free sauce that can be used in many dishes. With only a maximum of 0.3 grams of carbohydrates per serving, 2Bslim is the ideal sauce to use during the Keto/low-carb diet

€3,11 €3,89
Long Description

Ketchup 2Bslim 250ml

2Bslim is a delicious fat-free and sugar-free sauce that can be used in many dishes. With only a maximum of 0.3 grams of carbohydrates per serving, 2Bslim is the ideal sauce to use during the Keto/low-carb diet

What is inside


Water, vinegar, tomato puree (3.5%), thickeners (cellulose, xanthan gum, guar gum), citrus fibers, salt, spices, acids (lactic acid, citric acid), spices (contains coriander), black carrot extract, color (carotenes), preservative (potassium sorbate), sweetener (sucralose), flavoring.

Per 100ml Per 15ml
Energy (kJ) 32 4
Energy (kCal) 8 1
Fats (g) 0 0
Of which saturated (g) 0 0
Carbohydrates (g) 1 0
Of which sugars (g) 0 0
Of which polyols (g) 0 0
Fibre (g) 0 0
Proteins (g) 0.3 0.0
Salt (g) 2 0
How to use
Store this product in a cool, dry place. Shake well before use!